Showing posts with label iRant. Show all posts
Showing posts with label iRant. Show all posts


Dear Blogger Help Desk,

I'm interested in starting a blog and I have a specific name in mind. Wouldn't you agree that the answer to the question "what's in a name?" is everything? Didn't God create the world through the word?

So here's the situation: is meant to be my name... I just know it. But instead it's been kidnapped by a nogoodnik who published one thing in 2005. It wasn't even interesting! I tried and, believe it or not, it had absolutely no posts. & produced similar results.

How is this fair?

Here's what I believe: I believe that poorly utilized, under appreciated, mistreated domains should be freed from their creative confinement and released to other, potentially prolific bloggers. I believe in a one post per year requirement. I believe that domain names should be a privilege not a right.

Let's put it another way: Imagine you were a blog. You had a name. You were created. Yet for days upon weeks upon months nothing happened. What a sad existence. This is not what a blog was meant to be.

I hope you will take this request under advisement. And if the rules change and these blog domains are released... please let me know!

