
Yesterday, 9.2.07

Seal of Approval

I’m into synchronicity. It’s like God’s radio signal pointed right at you transmitting personalized, super-soulful rays of insight. My colleague says it’s the universe’s way of saying “of course.” Recently I had such a moment during breakfast. It was a great breakfast – an omelet with red onion, wild salmon, kalamata olives & tomato all tucked into a whole grain tortilla with some mild salsa to amp up the flavor. While eating, I pulled out Ted Andrews’ book, Animal Speak, to see what he had to say about seals. I saw a seal on the sidewalk last week while walking to work and was curious about what it might have meant.

What I read made me feel like I’d gotten a big kiss from the universe:

Sea Lions and Seals
Keynote: Active Imagination, Creativity and Lucid Dreaming
Cycle of Power: Year Round

Now this seemed to me like the ultimate form of validation. I got chills for at least 10 seconds as I let the significance sink in. Seal is about creativity. That makes so much sense. After over a year of creative drought, the seal has arrived to bless a new fertile period in my life and offer valuable lessons to help me during this time.

As my body sparkled electric I realized that seals have actually been coming up a lot lately. In my last Reiki session, which was about letting go of judgment, I visualized a seal. A little after that I came upon a toy seal and put it on my altar even though I wasn’t entirely sure what it meant to me. I even saw a seal while watching a PBS documentary last week. It was an adorable little seal, only 3 weeks old.

I went on to read about how seals teach you to listen with your inner ear, because they have no external ears just small openings. This is very useful for someone like me who is utterly impressionable and always seeks to please. Seals also teach of balance by modeling that while it’s important to live in creativity (the water) one must rest on land (self care). Not to mention that they have a healthy does of blubber to keep them insulated from the external world. Certainly this weekend, when I’m struggling with some major self-judgment, insulation would be useful. Yes, the seal feels like a perfect gift - a reminder that my universe does speak to me. I don’t always hear it, but when I do it is a fabulous thing.

Yesterday, 9/1/07