
Dear Blogger Help Desk,

I'm interested in starting a blog and I have a specific name in mind. Wouldn't you agree that the answer to the question "what's in a name?" is everything? Didn't God create the world through the word?

So here's the situation: Mylife.blogspot.com is meant to be my name... I just know it. But instead it's been kidnapped by a nogoodnik who published one thing in 2005. It wasn't even interesting! I tried my-life.blogspot.com and, believe it or not, it had absolutely no posts. Life.blogspot.com & me.blogspot.com produced similar results.

How is this fair?

Here's what I believe: I believe that poorly utilized, under appreciated, mistreated domains should be freed from their creative confinement and released to other, potentially prolific bloggers. I believe in a one post per year requirement. I believe that domain names should be a privilege not a right.

Let's put it another way: Imagine you were a blog. You had a name. You were created. Yet for days upon weeks upon months nothing happened. What a sad existence. This is not what a blog was meant to be.

I hope you will take this request under advisement. And if the rules change and these blog domains are released... please let me know!




Anonymous said...

"How is this fair?" You of all people should know the answer to this question. After all, what is in a word...mylife, TM - life is not fair. Or at least that is what my loving Jewish mother used to tell me. I also find it very disturbing that you would be willing to pull life support from a downtrodden albeit neglected blog, if only to serve a selfish purpose of your own. Yes, a sad existence when one has such little respect for a blog that can still smile when one walks into the room, can recognize a voice by showing fear, satisfaction and love on its pathetic contorted home page. *sigh* What has happened to social justice, respect for one another's reality, compassion for wo/man kind? Is the world comprised of such distain for blog life that a simple vacation, dormant or apathetic attitude, a deep sleep or coma can cause such rant from a new Blog!!!! Wait a minute....look who is ranting now? Oops. Sorry. Um, I hope you get all you want in the future and I welcome you with open arms and, hey how about a date?

meme said...

So I'm selfish... but you wanna date me?